Friday, September 30, 2005

Getting things done in Midigo

As I described in the last post. The women are the people who really get things done. I often found that there was a very important protocol to follow when getting thing done.

Each, time I came to visit, I would be expected to talk with the Elders. Talking would sometimes be a bit of an overstatement. Many times we would sit for hours not saying a thing. That was ok, it was part of the relationship.

At these meetings, with the elders, they would present their needs, or ideas for improving their community. I would listen and talk with them about how that would be a benifit or not for them. Once we all agreed to a project, we needed to find someone to run it.

This is where the women came in. The women were the ones who are responsible for taking care of their families. The men are often detached and drunk. So, the most successful project we helped start all involved the local women as the leaders.

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