Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Taking pictures of people

I realize that for some of the most interesting places and times in Africa I don't have pictures. It is a really simple idea, really. When I saw people in a bad way, wether sick or starving, my reaction was one of respect.

I know that I would not want people taking pictures of me while I was dying. On the other hand, with things like pictures, its hard to spread the word of the need. The people back home need a "face" to put with the tragedy. I think everyone knows there are "starving" people in Africa. What they often forget is that those are individual people starving.

Once in a while I would get a chance to sit down and talk with people about their lives. These were some of the most interesting times in Africa. More importantly, though, I would get a chance to develope relationships.

Relationships are key to working in Uganda. As much as time is as important in the US, relationship building is in Uganda (and most of the rest of Africa for that matter). When you develop a relationship, you commit yourself to know that person, and to some extent caring for that person.

It was easy for me to ignore people I didn't know. But I grieve for the people I do know, and who are still suffering.

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