Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Universal Studios Bridge

One of my favorite bridges was one we called the "Universal Studios" bridge. if you have ever been to the Unversal Studios theme park. You may remember the bridge that "falls apart" when you cross it. Then with the usual movie magic pulls itself back together after you leave.

On the road from Yumbe to Arua, there are actually two bridges. The first spans probably 100' and is about 30' high. The second one is washed out... so I gues there really is only one bridge.

This bridge, gives it's history below. If you take the time to look over the side you will find several trucks that have crashed. Wondering what happened to them only takes as long as starting across the bridge.

Once you start, each plank pops up under your tires. So the trick is to try and drive over the two large steel beams that support the span. The trouble is that the beams are too far apart for a regular vehicle to cross with wheels on both. Now you are at a point wher you try to decide which side of the bridge looks worse. Then put your wheel on that sides beam.

Admittedly I never had any serious mishaps on the bridge. It just was a sort of sign of just how far out you were. It was also fun to drive across it with people who had never been in Africa before.

Somehow, ever time I made that trip, the bridge was always there. Everytime, I thought to myself that this is the last time. Yet there is was again the next time. It was a kind of symbol of the people in that area, at least to me. They were always so close to colapse, but somehow always mangaed to pull through.

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