Friday, November 11, 2005

How giving a lift saved my life... Part 1

The LRA are active again. Not only taking inocent life but also detroying hope of rebuilding Northern Uganda. The LRA are cowards, I'm not sure that there is anyone who would argue that point. Lets face it, any "army" who can only manage to attach grade schools, and unarmed aid workers, can't be that couragous.

It turns out that I was once a few minutes from death at their hands. It was only that I gave a lift to a man at just the right time.

I was driving down to Kampala from Arua. I had left very early in the morning so that I could get to Kampala before dark. I made great time and actually arrived at Pakwatch before the army opened the gates. There are two ways to get south from Pakwatch. One, you can try and keep up with the military convoys using the main road. Two, you can travel through the Murchison Falls game park.

The game park was not only safer, but also a nicer drive. Best of all I could stop for a rest at the Paraa Lodge.

So anyway, at the gate I am first in line and no one will let me through until the offical 9:00am start. That is except for a single park ranger. He saw me waiting and he needed a ride, so we made a quick deal. I would drive him to his post and he would get me through the gate.

By that time, it was 10 minutes till 9:00am and I wasn't saving a whole lot of time, but it was the thought that counted. Off we went to the park.

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